Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Contractor Safety Requirements

                                         CONTRACTOR SAFETY REQUIREMENTS

    The purpose of this section is to describe the responsibilities of company name
    and its contractors who perform work for the company or on premises operated by the company.

    This procedure applies to all operations that utilize contractors for the performance of work.

    The contractor has the responsibility to ensure that their employees are adequately trained in safe     work practices and comply with applicable regulations. The company locations may designate a     representative(s) to monitor construction/maintenance activities. The company is responsible for     ensuring that contractors follow this procedure and that applicable hazard information specific to     the areas where the contractor may work are conveyed to the contractor at the start of a project.

    Contractor Safety
    All contractors shall abide by the safety and health policies pertaining to the location, facility, or     project on which they are working. A contractor’s violation of these safety and health policies could     expose our employees, the public, and our property, as well as the contractor, to unnecessary     hazards. Strict enforcement of this policy by supervisory personnel is expected.

-    The contractor shall designate a safety representative
-    Each contractor must be apprised of any hazards and pertinent safety information before commencing any task (see Contractor Safety Orientation Checklist)
-    Each contractor must certify in writing that he/she has been informed about, and understands, all relevant safety information before coming onto the company premises

    Qualifications of Contractors
        Contractor safety performance will be a significant requirement in the contractor selection         process. Compliance with the following criteria will be minimum requirements in contractor         selection and will be monitored on a continuing basis.
        Safety results should be judged on a continuing basis. Safety results should be judged on the         basis of improvement made in year-to-year results. Criteria for contractor health and safety         information are listed below (See Contractor Health and Safety Questionnaire).

-    Evaluate the contractor’s Experience Modification Ratio (EMR) for the previous three years including the current year. An average EMR of over 1.0 or an escalating 3 year average EMR number would indicate an unfavorable safety record and require further evaluation prior to approval.
-    Copy of occupational injury/illness statistics for each of the past three years, including the current year. This includes incident rates per 200,000 hours worked. (Do not present names of injured.) Compare the contractor's values against current Bureau of Labor Statistics for a similar SIC code organization.
-    Contractor shall certify the existence of a written Safety and Health program and that their employees have received the necessary safety training applicable to the contracted work.
-    If required, contractors will have a written substance abuse program in place and be prepared to submit evidence of compliance
-    The contractor is responsible for keeping site injury statistics and reporting all incidents resulting from injury to a contract employee on the premises to the company
-    The company may take appropriate action against any contractor for non-compliance with health & safety practices
-    The contractor immediately reports all incidents or accidents occurring on company locations. The contractor investigates and provides a report that includes a description of the incident, a primary cause for the incident, corrective actions addressing the primary cause, and assignment of responsibility for completion of correction action within 48 hours off occurrence.

Confined Space

                                                   CONFINED SPACE PROGRAM


Company name is committed to providing a safe and healthful work environment for our entire staff. In pursuit of this endeavor, the following written program is in place to first identify any Permit-Required Confined Spaces (PRCS) and to eliminate or control hazards associated with PRCS operations. This program is in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Permit-Required Confined Spaces Standard, Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations 1910.146.


Individuals assigned to work where confined space entry is required will have the responsibilities related to the work they perform. These responsibilities are identified below.

1.    Safety Director

1.    Work with the client and crew leader to determine the type of confined space along with any known hazards.

2.    Provide specific training to all attendants regarding the inspection, calibration and use of gas monitoring equipment.

3.    Review hazards and special considerations with crews.

4.    Verify that all safety equipment and PPE are available to the crews prior to entry.

2.    Entrants

1.    Know the hazards associated with the permit space and their effects

2.    Properly use the equipment required for entry

3.    Maintain a continuous means of communication with the attendant

4.    Alert the attendant in the event of an emergency

5.    Evacuate the space if an emergency occurs

2.    Attendants

1.    Know the hazards associated with the permit spaces and their effects

2.    Maintain an accurate account of authorized entrants

3.    Will remain at their assigned station until relieved by another trained attendant or when all personnel have exited the confined space and the entry is complete

4.    Monitor conditions in and around the permit space

5.    Summon rescue and applicable medical services in the event of an emergency

6.    Perform non-entry rescue procedures

7.    Perform appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the permit space

3.    Entry Supervisors

1.    Know the hazards associated with the permit space and their effects

2.    Verify that the safeguards required by the permit have been implemented

3.    Verify that rescue services are available and that means for summoning them are operable

4.    Cancel the written permit and terminate the permit space entry when required

5.    Remove personnel who are not authorized to enter the permit space during entry operations

6.    Periodically, determine that entry operation is being performed in a manner consistent with requirements of permit space entry procedures, and that acceptable entry conditions are maintained


Contract specifications will be reviewed to determine if the potential for confined space situations exists. The host employer will be required to provide information regarding the confined spaces. A conference will be held to exchange information and to determine the confined space procedures to be used (host or contractor plans).

If a confined space exists, the space will be classified as a Permit-Required Confined Space or a Reclassified Space. Permit-Required Confined Spaces are confined spaces that may be hazardous to employee’s health. It could be from hazardous atmospheres, electrical hazards, mechanical hazards, or even possible rodent or snake infestation just to name a few. If hazards can be eliminated before entry into a space, the space is a Reclassified Space. The Safety Coordinator will certify that all hazards are eliminated before entry. All entrants will

receive training before entering any classification of confined space.


Notices will be posted at the entrance of all Permit-Required Confined Space prohibiting entry. An entry supervisor will be assigned to the space. Employees will obtain a permit from the host or Safety Coordinator before entering these spaces. All equipment required by the permit and procedures described in this program will be followed.


All employees will be trained to observe confined space signs, warnings and the purpose of permit entry procedures. All individuals involved in confined space permit entry operations will be trained on the following topics (as needed):

•    Types of confined space hazards

•    Components of the written PRCS program and entry permit system

•    Components of the hot work permit

•    Need for guarding of entrance opening

•    Atmospheric testing equipment and protocol (use, calibration and maintenance)

•    Oxygen, combustibles and toxics

•    Pre-entry, frequent, or continuous testing

•    Methods for the control or elimination of any atmospheric hazards

•    Continuous forced air ventilation

•    Procedures to follow if a hazard is detected

•    The evaluation process to be used for re-entry if hazards are detected

•    The use of entry equipment (e.g. ladders, communications devises, etc.)

•    The us of personal protective equipment required: full body harness with attached lanyard, respiratory protection, chemical protective clothing, eye and face protection

•    Procedures to coordinate with rescue team, on- or off-site rescue, rescue plan, and practice rescues

•    Procedures for annual review of permits

•    Basic first-aid and CPR certification

•    Any other information needed to ensure safety during permit space entry operation

Confined Space Entry


The precautions and procedures outlined in our written PRCS program are designed to ensure that our employees are safe while working in permit spaces. Under no circumstances do we expect our employees to enter a permit space where hazards have not been eliminated or effectively controlled. Additionally, we recognize that unexpected situations might arise that prevents entrants from self-rescue. In response, one of the following rescue and emergency plans will be applied, depending upon the jobsite location.

Before confined space entry, the appropriate rescue procedure needs to be developed and available to the affected employees. If the confined space is in a plant, factory or with any company that has its own rescue service, the confined space entry needs to be reviewed with the appropriate department. It will be determined if the host company will provide rescue service if needed and the appropriate procedure that needs to be followed.

If the confined space is located where company rescue services are not available, the local fire/rescue department will be used. The service to be used needs to be contacted before confined space entry to ascertain if the service is available on the date of entry, the exact location of the confined space, and if they are able to perform rescue for the type of hazard that may be encountered.

Whichever type of rescue service will be used, the type of service, names and phone numbers need to be posted with the entry permit by the confined space for quick access. A telephone or radio needs to be easily accessible to enable notifying the rescue service quickly.


Upon completion of each job involving a permit-required confined space, a debriefing conference will be held to inform the host employer of any hazards confronted or created.

Within one year of any entry operation, the company will conduct a review of the program using the canceled entry permits to identify any deficiencies in our program. A review will be conducted sooner is there is reason to believe that the program does not adequately protect our employees. Any corrective measures will be documented by a revision of the program. Employees will be trained on any changes. Additionally, employees who note any inadequacies with the program can contact the Safety Coordinator. If no permit space entry operations are conducted during the year, no review is needed.


Date & Time Issued:
Date & Time Expires:
Site Location & Description:
Purpose of Entry:
Job Foreman Name:                                                                           Confined Space Supervisor:

1                                                                       2                                                                       3
Entry Crew

1                                                                     3                                                                       5





Line(s)   Broken/Capped/Blanked

Purge, Flush and Vent


Secure Area (Post and Flag)

Breathing Apparatus


Full-Body Harness w/D” ring

Emergency Escape Retrieval Equipment


Fire Extinguisher(s)

Lighting (intrinsically safe)

Protective Clothing

Respirator(s) (Air Purifying)

Communication Equipment

*BOLD denotes minimum requirements to be completed and reviewed prior to entry.

Bloodborne Pathogens




The purpose of this program is to minimize or eliminate all  employees’ exposure to Bloodborne pathogens, mainly that of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and other Bloodborne pathogens which could lead to disease or death.  This program has been developed and implemented to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 1910.1030 Bloodborne Pathogens Standard.


This program applies to all employees who are identified as authorized first responders, and are first aid/CPR trained. In addition, this includes all other employees who may, in the course of their normal employment, be required to handle, come in contact with, or dispose of any materials containing contaminated or potentially contaminated blood and/or body fluids.


A.    Operation/Production Manager is responsible for the following:

1.    Administer all aspects of the Bloodborne Pathogens Program.

2.    Assure training for all affected employees and maintain documentation records indefinitely.

3.    Assure that all employees in the department who are trained in First Aid/CPR attend annual training sessions in accordance with this program.

4.    Assure that only properly trained employees perform clean up of potentially contaminated blood and/or body fluids.

B.    All affected Employees are responsible for the following:

1.    Attend and actively participate in scheduled annual training.

2.    Report any exposure to the Operation/Production Manager and participate in required follow up procedures.


A.    Potentially, employees may be exposed to blood and/or body fluids in the course or normal employment.  First Responders and effected employees will be trained in CPR, First Aid.  Re-training for CPR and Bloodborne Pathogen training is annually, and First Aid is every two years.

B.    This policy applies to any employee who is trained and certified to administer First Aid, CPR and Bloodborne Pathogen clean-up.


A.    All blood, body fluids, and other potentially infectious materials will be handled as a hazardous material, unless those precautions interfere with the proper delivery of first aid/CPR, health care, or create significant risk to the personal safety of the employee. Everyone shall use the universal precautions service. Which means treat everyone as though they are infectious.

B.    Following contact with blood and/or body fluids, employees will wash their hands with soap (antiseptic cleaner) and water immediately, or as soon as possible after removing gloves or other personal protective equipment.

C.    Eating, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics, and handling contact lenses is prohibited in medical treatment areas where a potential for contact with blood and/or body fluids exists.

D.    Food and drink will not be stored in refrigerators, freezers, cabinets, or on counter tops where blood, body fluids, or other potentially infectious materials are stored, or in areas of possible contamination.


A.    When there is a potential for occupational exposure to blood and/or bodily fluids, the following personal protective equipment will be used. It is available at no cost to the employees.

1.    Disposable Gloves - will be worn when there is a potential for the hands to have contact with blood and/or body fluids. Gloves will be worn when treating an injured employee, no matter how minor the cut or injury, or when cleaning contaminated or potentially contaminated surfaces. Disposable gloves will be used only once and will not be washed or disinfected for reuse.  Only disposable gloves that are constructed of latex, vinyl, or nitrile will be used, and are stored in the First Aid Kit.

2.    Utility Gloves - will be used for general cleaning purposes only, and may be disinfected for reuse if the integrity of the glove is not compromised.  If the utility gloves become cracked, torn, punctured, or otherwise deteriorated, they will be thrown away with other contaminated waste.

3.    Masks, eye protection and aprons/smocks may be worn when there is a potential for splashes, sprays, spatters, droplets, or aerosols of blood and/or body fluids that may be generated and there is a potential for eye, nose, and mouth contamination.  Masks and eye protection are stored at designated area and in the FIRST AID KIT.

4.    Resuscitation equipment such as pocket CPR masks will have one way mouthpieces.  They are stored in the First Aid Kit.
B.    First Aid & Bloodborne Kits are located at the following locations: 1)     

C.    All soiled or used personal protective equipment will be removed from the work area immediately or as soon as possible, and placed in an appropriate container.

D.    All personal protective equipment that is re-usable such as eye protection will be disinfected and returned to the area for reuse as soon as possible.

E.    After removing gloves or other personal protective equipment or in cases where direct contact with blood and/or body fluids may have occurred unexpectedly, hands and other skin surfaces will be washed with soap (antiseptic cleaner) and water immediately or as soon as possible after removing protective equipment. Where water is not available, antiseptic hand cleaner and disinfectant towelettes will be made available.


A.    All surfaces will be properly cleaned and disinfected immediately or as soon as possible after contact with blood and/or body fluids.  Surfaces will be disinfected using disinfectant towelettes which are approved for use as a hospital disinfectant, or a freshly made mixture of one (1) part sodium hypochlorite (household bleach) diluted with ten (10) parts water.

B.    Protective coverings, which may be used to cover work surfaces, will be removed and replaced when they become contaminated. They will be disposed of as contaminated material.

C.    All bins, cans, pails, and similar receptacles intended for reuse which have the potential of becoming contaminated with blood and/or body fluids will be cleaned and decontaminated on a regular basis, or immediately after visible contamination.

D.    Contaminated broken glass will not be picked-up by hand, but will be cleaned up using a brush and dustpan, vacuum, cotton swab, or tweezers, depending upon the situation.

E.    Designated hazardous waste receptacles will be emptied on an as needed basis.  All trained employees should avoid using their hands to remove the trash from the container at the first aid station to avoid the possibility of exposure due to the unauthorized improper disposal.

F.    All reusable items contaminated with blood and/or body fluids will be disinfected using, a freshly made mixture of one (1) part household bleach diluted with ten (10) parts water.

G.    All contaminated or potentially contaminated wastes such as gloves, towels, swabs, band aids, gauze pads, shop rags, broken glass, etc. will be disposed of using the HAZARDOUS WASTE RECEPTACLE BY ALL FIRST AID KITS.


A.    All spills of potentially infectious materials such as blood, vomit, urine, etc. will be treated as if known to be infected with HBV or HIV and will be cleaned up using the BODILY FLUID DISPOSAL KIT AND DISPOSE OF THEM IN THE HAZARDOUS WASTE RECEPTACLE BY THE FIRST AID KIT.

B.    All liquid wastes must be cleaned up in the following manner:

1.    Apply a powder or liquid disinfectant over the entire contaminated area of fluid.  The powder or liquid can be used on any surface such as counter tops, floors, or machine surfaces.

2.    Let the powder or liquid sit for a minimum of ten minutes. Make sure the entire contaminated area has been covered.
3.    Then, use a disinfectant-cleaning towel to wipe up the spill.

4.    After the material is cleaned up, the area must be disinfected again using a disinfectant towel wipe or a mixture of one part household bleach diluted with ten parts water.

C.    All dry waste must be cleaned up in the following manner:

1.    If the blood and/or body fluid are already dry, then apply a liquid disinfectant to the entire contaminated area.

2.    Let the liquid disinfectant sit for a minimum of ten minutes. Make sure the entire contaminated area has been covered.

3.    Then, use a disinfectant-cleaning towel to wipe up the spill.

4.    After the material is cleaned up, the area must be disinfected again using disinfectant towel wipe or a mixture of one part household bleach diluted with ten parts water.


A.    All infectious or potentially infectious wastes will be disposed of using the hazardous waste receptacle, which is a closeable, leak proof container. The hazardous waste receptacle(s) are located at the following locations:


B.    Contaminated laundry including, but not limited to, clothing, uniforms, and shop rags, will be placed in a labeled and color-coded (orange/red) plastic bag for disposal in the Hazardous Waste Receptacle.

1.    Any employee's personal clothing that is contaminated with blood and/or body fluids must be removed before the employee leaves. The clothing will be disposed in the appropriate container.

C.    All contaminated or potentially contaminated waste must be disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local hazardous waste laws. The Safety Coordinator will retain all waste disposal records indefinitely.

1.    At this time feminine hygiene products are not considered to be a hazardous waste by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and can therefore be disposed of in the regular garbage.

2.    Contaminated or potentially contaminated wastes are not covered by the 90-day waste accumulation provision under the EPA.


A.    Biohazard warning labels will be attached to all containers of infectious and/or potentially infectious materials.

B.    Labels will be fluorescent oranges (red/orange) with the biohazard symbol in a contrasting color.

C.    Bags that are used for disposal or transportation of materials that are potentially contaminated with blood and/or body fluids will be or red/orange with a Biohazard symbol on them.


A.    All employees certified to administer First Aid, CPR and Bloodborne Pathogen clean-up will be given the option to receive the HBV vaccination. If the employee initially declines the HBV vaccination, they must sign the OSHA Hepatitis B Vaccination Declination Form. If, at a later date, the employee decides that the vaccination is wanted, it will be provided at no cost to the employee.

B.    If the employee has previously received the HBV vaccination or if the Antibody testing reveals the person has their own immunity, then the Vaccination is not necessary.

C.    If at a future date a booster dose is recommended, it will be provided at no cost to the employee.


All employees, who have had an exposure incident to blood and/or body fluids such as a splash to the eyes, mouth, or contact with exposed abraded skin, will be offered a confidential medical follow-up evaluation, vaccination, and
post-exposure medical management at no cost.  The follow-up must be performed under the direction of an authorized physician, clinic, or personal physician according to the following provisions:

A.    The Operation/Production Manager will provide the physician a description of the employee's job duties and explanation or summary of the potential exposure to a Bloodborne pathogen.

B.    The physician will be requested to provide an incident exposure status report. This record will be used to document the route(s) of exposure, HBV and HIV antibody status of the source patient(s) if known the circumstances under which the exposure occurred, and all follow-up actions taken.

C.    If the source patient can be determined, permission will be obtained before collecting and testing the source patient's blood.  The testing will determine the presence of HBV or HIV.  Any information obtained from the evaluation of the source patient's blood will remain strictly confidential.

Note:  We recognize that the source patient can refuse to submit to any blood tests at this time.

D.    The exposed employee's blood will be tested for HBV and HIV status as soon as possible after exposure.  Actual antibody or antigen testing of the blood serum may be done at that time or at a later date, if the employee requests.

E.    The Operation/Production Manager will obtain and provide to the exposed     employee a copy of the physician’s written report.  The evaluation should     include specific findings or diagnoses, which are relevant to the     employee’s ability to receive the HBV vaccination. The treating
    physician will be requested to discuss the HBV symptoms and methods
    of treatment with the employee.  All other findings or diagnoses will     remain confidential.

F.    The affected employee must sign the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Incident Record, stating that they have been informed of the results of their medical evaluation.


A.    All post-exposure records with respect to this program will be maintained     by the Operation/Production Manager in the employees Confidential     Medical File for the duration of employment plus thirty (30) years. This     information will be kept.

B.    The medical file will include the following:

1.    A copy of the employee's Hepatitis B vaccination record and medical records relative to the employee's ability to receive the vaccination.

2.    A copy of the physician's incident exposure status report, medical testing, and all follow-up reports.


A.    Upon their job assignment, and on an annual basis thereafter, training will be provided to medical personnel, First Aid/CPR trained, supervisors, first responders, or any other employees including anyone who may in the course of their normal employment be required to handle, come in contact with, or dispose of any materials containing contaminated or potentially contaminated blood and/or body fluids. Any employees who may be occupationally exposed to blood, body fluids, or other potentially infectious materials will also be trained.

B.    Training will be performed on an annual basis by an authorized provider of a nationally recognized training program.

Note:  Non-health care professionals that intend to perform training on this program must have documentation verifying that they have undergone specialized training on bloodborne pathogens.

C.    Training will include the following:

1.    A review of the OSHA, 1910.1030 Bloodborne Pathogens Standard and a brief explanation of its contents.

2.    A general explanation of the epidemiology and symptoms of bloodborne diseases, modes of transmission, infection control, and the appropriate steps to take to avoid contact with blood, body fluids or other potentially infectious materials.

3.    Information on the location, types, and use of personal protective equipment available, and proper disposal and decontamination of this equipment after use.

4.    Information on the Hepatitis B vaccination and what type of medical evaluation/follow-up is available after exposure.

5.    Explain the proper use of biohazard warning labels and signs.

6.    An explanation of the post exposure procedure.

D.    All related training will be documented and maintained by the Operation/Production Manager.


Exposure incidents in which the employee is exposed to blood and/or body fluids will be entered on the facility's OSHA 300 Log and Summary of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, and all other occupational illnesses.  Exposure incidents include, but are not limited to: human bites; needle sticks; blood or body fluid splash to eyes or other mucous membranes; or contact with unprotected, abraded skin.